3 Days 2 Nights Tsavo National Park safari


Tsavo National Park is one of Kenya's most renowned and largest national parks, situated in the southeastern part of the country. It is divided into two separate parks: Tsavo East National Park and Tsavo West National Park.

Tsavo East National park is the larger of the two parks.

  • This park is known for its vast open savannahs, arid landscapes, and the Yatta Plateau, one of the world's longest lava flows.
  • Wildlife is abundant in Tsavo East, and you can spot various animals, including elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, zebras, buffalo, and a wide variety of bird species.
  • The Galana River, which flows through the park, is a focal point for wildlife viewing, especially during the dry season when animals gather around the waterholes.


Tsavo West National Park is slightly smaller than Tsavo East 

  • The landscape in Tsavo West is more diverse, with rolling hills, volcanic craters, and a variety of habitats, including swamps, springs, and dense woodlands.
  • Notable attractions in Tsavo West include Mzima Springs, where you can observe hippos and crocodiles underwater from an underwater viewing chamber, and the Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary, dedicated to the conservation of the endangered black rhinoceros.
  • Tsavo West also boasts stunning geological features like the Shetani Lava Flows and Chaimu Crater.


Day 1: Arrival in Tsavo


  1. Arrive at Tsavo National Park (you can fly into either Voi Airstrip or Tsavo West Airstrip).
  2. Check-in at your chosen accommodation (there are various lodges and camps to choose from, ranging from budget to luxury).

Lunch: 3. Enjoy a delicious lunch at your accommodation.

Afternoon: 4. Set out on an afternoon game drive in Tsavo East. Tsavo East is known for its red elephants, lions, cheetahs, and numerous bird species.

  1. Explore the Aruba Dam area for wildlife sightings.
  2. Return to your accommodation for dinner and relaxation.

Day 2: Tsavo East Exploration


  1. Start your day with an early morning game drive to catch the wildlife in action.
  2. Visit the Galana River, where you can spot crocodiles and hippos.
  3. Breakfast at a scenic spot within the park.

Lunch: 4. Return to your accommodation for lunch and some relaxation during the heat of the day.

Afternoon: 5. Head out for another game drive in Tsavo East, exploring different regions of the park.

  1. Visit Lugard Falls and the Mudanda Rock viewpoint for stunning scenery and potential wildlife sightings.
  2. Return to your accommodation for dinner and overnight.

Day 3: Tsavo West and Departure


  1. Check out of your Tsavo East accommodation after breakfast.
  2. Drive to Tsavo West, which offers a more diverse landscape with volcanic cones, springs, and caves.

Lunch: 3. Enjoy lunch at your Tsavo West accommodation.

Afternoon: 4. Visit Mzima Springs, a natural spring where you can see hippos and fish from an underwater viewing platform.

  1. Explore Shetani Lava Flows and Chaimu Crater for unique geological features.
  2. Visit Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary for a chance to see black rhinos.
  3. If time permits, stop by the Rhino Valley Lodge viewpoint for a panoramic view of the park.

Evening: 8. Depart from Tsavo National Park and head to your next destination or the nearest airport.


  1. Transport
  2. Entrance fees


  1. All meals
  2. Travelling insurance

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