4 Days 3 Nights Mt Kenya trekking


Mount Kenya is a popular destination for climbers and trekkers.Byusing the most comon routes ,Chogoria route eventually down to the Sirimon Gate near Nanyuki. This route offers stunning scenery, including beautiful lakes and alpine terrain, and is a great way to experience the diverse landscapes of Mount Kenya

Mount Kenya is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second-highest in Africa, after Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. It is a prominent and iconic volcanic mountain located in East Africa.Mount It holds cultural significance for the local Kikuyu people, who refer to it as "Kirinyaga." It features prominently in their folklore and is considered a sacred mountain.


Day 1: Nairobi to Chogoria Gate (3,050 meters)

  • Morning departure from Nairobi to Chogoria Town.
  • Register at the Chogoria Park Gate, pay park fees, and arrange for a guide/porter if you haven't already.
  • Start the trek through the lush Chogoria rainforest.
  • Hike  to reach the Chogoria Gate Campsite at 3,050 meters.
  • Overnight at the campsite.

Day 2: Chogoria Gate to Lake Ellis Camp (3,600 meters)

  • After breakfast, begin your trek towards Lake Ellis.
  • The trail passes through bamboo and heather zones.
  • Hike to Lake Ellis Camp at 3,600 meters.
  • Take in the beautiful scenery and rest for the night at Lake Ellis Camp.

Day 3: Lake Ellis Camp to Mintos Hut (4,300 meters)

  • After an early breakfast, continue your ascent.
  • Hike through the alpine zone with stunning views of the Gorges Valley and Lake Michaelson.
  • Reach Mintos Hut, your base for summit night.
  • Spend the day resting, hydrating, and acclimatizing.
  • Prepare for the summit push.
  • Sleep early to ensure you're well-rested for the summit attempt.

Day 4: Summit Day - Mintos Hut to Point Lenana (4,985 meters) and descent to Meru Bandas (3,000 meters)

  • Wake up around midnight and have a light breakfast.
  • Begin your summit attempt in the darkness with headlamps.
  • Reach Point Lenana, the third-highest peak of Mount Kenya, in time to witness a breathtaking sunrise.
  • Enjoy the panoramic views from the summit.
  • Descend back to Mintos Hut for a hot meal and rest.
  • Continue your descent to Meru Bandas campsite at around 3,000 meters.
  • Overnight at Meru Bandas.

Day 5: Meru Bandas to Chogoria Gate and Return to Nairobi

  • After breakfast, start your descent through the Chogoria forest.
  • Hike back to Chogoria Gate, where you'll be transported back to Chogoria Town.
  • Have a meal in Chogoria Town.
  • Drive back to Nairobi, arriving in the evening.


  1. Transport


  1. All meals

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