1 Days 0 Nights Mt Longonot



Mount Longonot is a stratovolcano located in the Great Rift Valley of Kenya, East Africa. It is a popular tourist destination and hiking spot due to its relatively easy accessibility from Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya.

The main attraction of Mount Longonot is the hiking trail that leads to the rim of the crater. Hiking up to the crater rim is a popular activity, and it offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, including the Great Rift Valley and Lake Naivasha.



  1. Early Departure: Start your day early, ideally before sunrise. This will give you ample time to complete the hike and enjoy the beautiful views without rushing.

  2. Travel to Mount Longonot: If you're staying in Nairobi. Make sure you have a reliable vehicle or arrange for transportation in advance.

  3. Arrival at Mount Longonot: Arrive at the Mount Longonot National Park gate as early as possible. Pay the park fees, which can vary depending on your nationality and the time of year.


  1. Start the Hike: Begin your hike up Mount Longonot. The hike is challenging but rewarding. Make sure to have sturdy hiking boots, comfortable clothing, and plenty of water.


  1. Picnic Lunch: Bring a packed lunch with you, as there may not be restaurants or food vendors on the mountain. Find a suitable spot with a great view to enjoy your lunch and rest.


  1. Explore the Crater: After lunch, you can choose to explore the crater's interior. It's a unique experience to descend into the crater and walk around its rim. Remember to stay on marked trails to protect the fragile ecosystem.

  2. Hike Back: After exploring the crater, start your hike back to the park entrance. Descending is usually faster than ascending, but be cautious with your steps.

Late Afternoon:

  1. Return to Nairobi: Once you've completed the hike and returned to the park entrance, head back to Nairobi. You should aim to leave Mount Longonot in the late afternoon to avoid driving in the dark.


  1. Arrival in Nairobi: Depending on the time you return to Nairobi, you might have some evening hours left to relax or enjoy dinner at a local restaurant.

Important Tips:

  • Make sure you're physically prepared for the hike. It can be steep and strenuous at times.

  • Carry enough water (at least 2-3 liters) and snacks to keep your energy up during the hike.

  • Wear sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses, as the sun can be intense.

  • Be aware of the weather conditions, as it can get hot during the day. Check the weather forecast before your trip.

  • Respect the park rules and regulations, including wildlife and environmental conservation guidelines.


  1. Transport


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